Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How Zach got his name...

Some of you may be wondering how we picked the name Zach.

Back in December, when Ross and I were praying hard thru our decision to switch up our adoption plans-

 up until this time- the plan was to adopt another infant girl- and as the wait was getting longer and longer and we were all getting older and older- we were starting to have 2nd thoughts.  Add to that- our friends had just returned from China with the almost 3 year old son- and we realized, "hmmmm- we should think about this!"

(I should also mention that this coincided with Ross' 9 day trip to Tucson!)

during one of Ross' meetings, he texted me this:

What does XiXi think about having a DiDi? (little brother)

 When I asked her, she thought for a minute- and then looked up at me and said, "Can we call him Zach?"

when I look up the origin of Zach- I discovered that it is a derivative of the name Zachariah- which means "THE LORD REMEMBERS!"

yup- that was his name!  God had remembered our family and our prayers for another child and God had remembered our precious son- a half a world away.

God indeed has remembered us!